T h e
              M  A  S  K

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I  would  like  to  share  my imaginary  world  with  you.
I  ask  you  to  forgive  me if   you  noticed
my  eyes  observing your  face  intently.
I  was  merely  trying  to  perceive, absorb  and
project  expressions and  feelings.

Lucrecia Novoa studied Fine Arts in University of Chile and the Massachusetts College of Arts

In 1996, Lucrecia attended the Art of the Mask course offered by Eric Bornstein.   This was a turning point in her career.   Under Eric's patient guidance, she learned not only techniques of mask masking but also how to mold gestures and expressions into the masks.   In the process of creating them, Lucrecia was forced to look at her self in the mirror constantly.   What she found was the recollection of past anxieties, frustrations and anger.   That's why her first masks were very dark

In 1997,  Lucrecia joined Eric's Behind the Mask studio in Cambridge, MA.   She started working on pieces that represented technical challenges as well as outlets of her inner life.   Initially, Eric invited her to create masks for the First Night event in Boston.   This event happens on December 31 every year and it includes many cultural activities, among them the First Night Parade, in which Behind the Mask participates.   Fantasy creatures are portrayed with the use of large masks and sophisticated costumes.   On her first year, Lucrecia worked in some pieces created by Eric but, by her second year, she started searching for her own characters. Her search was based preferentially on dark figures representing witches, monsters and ghosts.   Thus Lucrecia created Snow Woman (1998, based on the folklore from the Alps), Frederick (1999) and Baba Yaga (2000, based on the witch from the Russian tales)

 In 1998, Lucrecia joined the holistic meditation group Dahn Kahn, which is based on ancient Korean techniques.   This practice helped her tremendously in reaffirming her self esteem.   This in turn influenced her new creations, such as Sun mask, which is a feminine portrayal of the sun.

As part of Eric studio, Lucrecia has been involved in several workshops, shows and theater..   For instance, she assisted Eric on art workshops for students in Brighton High School (city of Boston).   A very fulfilling experience was the dramatic adaptation of a Mexican story (Lucia Zenteno), that included masked characters, live music and bilingual (Spanish and English) dialogue.

Lucrecia has organized her own workshops and exhibits over the last few years..   Of particular significance were the exhibits in the Waltham Public Library, which displayed my drawings, paintings, and masks in 3 consecutive years.